i found

The idea behind I Found was to combine an electro-pop song with dreamy synths. The production is heavily influenced by the 80's. Analog synths combined with retro sounding drums and lots of reverb.

I Found is about the dark side of life, being unhappy and trying to find yourself again. In the process of seeking happiness, reflecting on yourself and looking your problems in the eye is one of the first
things you do. I Found symbolizes this.

i wish i knew

I Wish I Knew deals with ignorance that leads to impotence. It is a longing for all the unanswered questions and uncertainties we know in life.

Faint Louis on I Wish I Knew: “Musically, it's a balance of electro-pop with RnB. I wanted to mix the mellowness of Tyler, The Creator and the experimental of Flume. Eve's soul-like vocals give the track a magical touch.”